
Showing posts from March, 2021

Equipment in Education: NFPA72 and Classroom Mic Systems

This blog concerns two important topics in education today, NFPA72 audio solutions and classroom mic systems.   Backrow students are believed to miss 30% of what’s going on.   When that happens, people lose interest.   That isn’t good for the classroom morale.   The distracted bunch in the back can cause chaos.   If only there was a simple solution… something that makes voices louder…   A microphone and a speaker!   Cut Through the Background Noise   Some students are distracted by ambient noise.   You know the type of sounds that disrupt thoughts and conversations: ambulances, passing trains, mooing cows, traffic, the crashing of waves on a nearby beach.   You can use a speaker to drown out that noise with better sounds.   Maybe classic music helps some people study better than listening to the honking horns of enraged commuters in the afternoon.   If the teacher is using a microphone, perhaps the students will listen more closely.   Increased Class Interac

Differences Between High Ceiling and Pendant Speakers

A high ceiling speaker, a pendant speaker – what’s the difference?   Read this blog to find out. Speakers are common everywhere today.   You hear them in the car.   You hear them in your headphones. You hear them while standing at the gas pump.   What’s that familiar tune?   How does it go again? It’s a real toe tapper! Then again, you also hear speakers when people give you directions.   In a classroom, teachers sometimes use speakers to play a song for students or to provide a lecture to a large crowd.   In the conference room, Peter presents with Mary using a sound system and projector. Yes, all around you, people are using speakers to transmit messages – musical, instructional, worship, and otherwise. So, what’s the difference between high ceiling speakers and pendant speakers ? High ceiling speakers are transducers that convert electromagnetic waves into sound waves. The speakers receive audio input from a device such as a computer or an audio receiver. This input may b

You Need to Know a Bit about Amplified Speakers

This blog post is about amplifier speakers and what they do. It also touches on car sound systems and amplifiers.   Both are hot topics today amongst American youth.   For some, it’s the fine detail.   For others, it’s the grand impact, the revolutionary enthusiasm, the passion! The good news is that both are readily available today (and not at too high of a rate thanks to advances in technology).   For those who want their car sound systems to be louder and more powerful, this is welcome news.   What does the Amplifier Speaker Do? What don’t they do!? ●         Block sound that lessens music quality ●         Boost system’s headroom blasts so they do not cause problems ●         Better blaring with amplifier Another note: The subwoofer needs an amplifier.   The bass sound requires air space and power. People who just want to incorporate a subwoofer into their present system should consider getting a mono amplifier with bass EQ and a low-pass filter (to improve